How airport passenger screening services work

To ensure the safety of passengers, crew and staff, airports implement a series of security measures, such as passenger inspection services.

Boarding service is mandatory, passengers are screened in accordance with international safety standards and must be carried out with high rigor.

Want to know more about how passenger screening services work at airports? Continue following our article.

Discover the passenger inspection service

Air transport passenger inspection is a security measure organized by the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and carried out by the airport operator, under the supervision of the Federal Police (PF) or public security body responsible for police activities at the airport.

This procedure is carried out in the airport buildings, with the aim of identifying weapons, explosives and other prohibited items, and preventing the entry of such items into restricted security areas or boarding areas, runways and aircraft.

As it is mandatory at airports, passengers who refuse to be inspected may be prevented from entering the departure hall.

But how does this procedure work?

During the inspection, the passenger and goods transported in clothing and baggage are examined by authorized agents. using a metal detector and X-ray, with the aim of identifying prohibited items.

Going through a metal detector is mandatory for all people who do not use a pacemaker or cochlear implant. Passengers who prove the use of these devices are subject to a personal search. A pregnant woman can request an examination by personal search or manual detector.

Body searches are an additional preventive measure necessary in specific cases, carried out by a protection agent of the same sex as the passenger or by the police authority. This procedure can be carried out in a confined place and in the presence of a witness.

Different types of inspection

Security measures at airports include various mandatory inspection services, with the aim of preventing potential threats or dangerous situations in these environments.

Learn about the different procedures that are part of airport inspection services:

X-ray examination

X-ray passage in the boarding area is the first check-in that passengers undergo immediately after check-in.

At this stage, handbags are placed on the X-ray carrier as well as electronic devices and metal belongings, which must be removed from suitcases and backpacks.

At some airports, shoe dressing is essential.

Manual Inspection

If the operator has any questions during the X-ray examination, they can request a manual inspection.

In this procedure, the passenger must open their hand luggage so that the employee can inspect the items.

It is important to note that if a passenger refuses to undergo manual screening, they may be denied entry to the boarding area on their flight.

Personal Search

A personal inspection occurs when the passenger cannot apply to the detector for a justified reason.

Material Magazine

A body search can be carried out even after the passenger has passed through the metal detector, as an additional form of safety.

This procedure must be carried out by a police officer or a civil aviation protection member of the same sex as the passenger, and can be carried out in a special environment if the passenger so requests, and in the presence of a witness.

Pregnant women can request a physical search or use a manual metal detector.

Hand baggage inspection

Baggage must also undergo X-ray inspection, as mentioned above.

If prohibited items are identified in the baggage, the items must be disposed of at the time of inspection.

Laptops, laptops and other electronic devices must be removed from hand luggage to pass through X-ray machines, whether on domestic or international flights.

The role of technology in inspection services

Technology is one of the biggest allies of airport security, as it is found in inspection equipment and tools that help security teams monitor these environments.

In inspection services, the use of modern and technological devices helps to increase the visibility of everything that is transported by people who travel through airports daily, and facilitates the identification and prevention of the entry of prohibited materials, flammable products and illegal items into boarding areas or inside aircraft.

For example, X-ray equipment ensures an in-depth assessment of luggage, suitcases, backpacks and packages that passengers may carry, without having to open bags or perform more intrusive procedures, in most cases.

With the help of technology at airports, inspection services can be implemented more rigorously, making it easier for operators to identify risks and increasing the safety of everyone traveling through the site.

The role of technology in inspection services

Technology is one of the biggest allies of airport security, as it is found in inspection equipment and tools that help security teams monitor these environments.

In inspection services, the use of modern and technological devices helps to increase the visibility of everything that is transported by people who travel through airports daily, and facilitates the identification and prevention of the entry of prohibited materials, flammable products and illegal items into boarding areas or inside aircraft.

For example, X-ray equipment ensures an in-depth assessment of luggage, suitcases, backpacks and packages that passengers may carry, without having to open bags or perform more intrusive procedures, in most cases.

With the help of technology at airports, inspection services can be implemented more rigorously, making it easier for operators to identify risks and increasing the safety of everyone traveling through the site.

Airport Security Partner

Security SATA is an air transport auxiliary services company that provides passenger screening solutions to airports and airlines throughout Brazil.

Our inspection service for passengers, crew, hand luggage and service staff is carried out using various methods, such as X-ray machine, PDM or personal search, and is supported by a team of professionals specialized in the aviation sector.

Our specialists are trained to identify weapons, explosives and other prohibited materials that can be used to commit acts of unlawful interference with aircraft or prohibited places at airports.

We also offer other airport solutions, such as monitoring restricted areas, cleaning aircraft, baggage screening, and other high-quality services that add speed, safety and efficiency to airport operations.